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Holiday Food

12/14/23:  What a great evening we had assembling 400 holiday meals for families in need!!  So proud of what we do.Thank you to Goretti’s Market for your unwavering support every year making sure we have enough food Immaculate Conception Church Worcester for giving us the use again of the O’Connor Hall! All of our volunteers who came out to put these meals together.  Everyone who donated to help “Feed a Family” and those who came to the Bowlathon which is our main fundraising event for the holiday meals. We could never accomplish this without the support of our entire community! Our hearts are full!!


The 365Z Foundation is a 501 c3 (EIN# 46-5075963) charitable organization that provides ideas, guidance and resources designed to encourage, inspire and challenge individuals to perform conscious acts of kindness – to make the decision to help someone in some way, every day; and in doing so, help perpetuate a community-wide kindness movement, raising awareness and personal commitment to helping others.



907 Pleasant Street

Worcester, MA 01602


501 c3, EIN# 46-5075963

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